Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Long Time, No Write

Dear Night Owls,
Sorry it's been so long. I've been utterly busy with a bunch of nonsense crap and dealing with my addiction. Oh. That could be taken in the wrong direction. Allow me to clarify: addiction to procrastination. I hope my little er joke didn't offend anyone. In my opinion it should be considered a disease. All of that bull shit is beside the point of what I'm writing about tonight. I just figured my nonexistent readers needed to know why I've been gone for so long.

As Facebook and Twitter so kindly ask me, "What's on your mind?" or "What's happening?" I figured I should treat this blog post as an extended status/tweet. What do  you think?

It's Monday night/Tuesday morning and I should be sleeping. I didn't finish my physics homework and I'm banking on one of my friends having done it. If not... I'm screwed and my physics grade might as well be shit in a toilet. Flush. I always knew I was lazy, but this year has shown me to what magnitude. If in Dante's "Inferno" there is a circle of hell for laziness, there is no doubt that's where I would end up. *That statement is soley based off of my lazy habits, not the rest of my humanity...God if you're reading: please forgive me for all of my laziness and give me the strength to be more productive/less distracted! Thank you, Amen.*

On a different note... I want to use Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner. I miss my long hair! A lot. It's stuck at that awkward length past the shoulders, but it might as well be shoulder length. It's just so bleh. How's that for a pointless tweet?

I really need to get back into my eating healthy/working out routine. The weekend was a nice little vacation, but now I need to step up my game. It's time to get my shit back in line and get ready for track season! 33 feet here I come! 15 feet you will be mine! Hustle, hustle, build more muscle! Go! Fight! Win! That should be some good ole fashion motivation! So on that more positive note I will say good morning and stay up well my friends!
Yours Truly, Julia

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