Dear Night Owls,
I'm graduating this spring. Me. I can't believe it. I won't even say what I'm thinking (It feels like just yesterday...). It's weird to think I'll be living on my own...which reminds me...I need to finish my housing application. Yikes! I'll be in a dorm. At college. Pledging a sorority. All of this in less than six months. Crazy, right? Time flies. It has to. How else do things change so quickly? I imagine a clock with wings circling around the world, its hands spinning around its face faster, faster, faster. It shouldn't move as fast as it does. It's unnatural. Isn't it? Is that how fast it goes for everyone? Or should I be admitted into the psych ward? No. Every older person I know gives the same advice: don't blink. It's amazing how easily I take things for granted.
I'm used to uprooting my life and starting over, leaving behind everything familiar and embracing the new. But it's different when you're doing it alone without your family. I'm not afraid if that's what you're thinking. No, I know I'll be just fine. I'm excited really. I've been itching for a change for the last two years or so. I've been here for five years. That's the longest I've ever lived that I can remember. I'm ready for a change. Scratch that. I need a change. While all of that is true and I'm excited and beyond ready to get out of here, I can't shake the feeling that I'll miss everyone. Not seeing these people's faces everyday will be an adjustment. Goodbyes are hard. I haven't had to do one in quite some time now. I wonder if I'm even good at them anymore?
No matter what happens, I'm making a promise to make the most of these last couple of months. Senior year, let's finish off strong!
Stay up well!
Yours Truly, Julia
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