Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Later, Later, Later

Dear Night Owls,
Every night I find myself staying up later, later, later. Mornings are impossible. Well, difficult. They're inevitable and enfuriating. As hard as I try to beat them back by pressing snooze on my alarm, they come back stronger and fiercer than before. Back with a vengence. They're out to get me, I know it.

I was going through pictures on Facebook and adding captions tonight. I had just finished typing one and pressing save when the line I had just entered lingered in my head. "Tonight's for making memories." I'm not sure whether I've heard it before (I wouldn't be surprised since my entire thoughts/speech are from movies and songs and other quotable places). Anyway, it stuck and I like it. It could make for a great song or line in a book or story if it isn't one already. I'm not convinced it's my own yet. It's too good to be true. Scratch that. I'm an optimist. I came up with a line that I will use in some sort of writing piece and I'm damn proud of it. Yeah.

Maybe it'd be a good book title or something. I don't know. I'll have to get brain storming. I should be saying I have to get to bed, but let's be honest here. When is that ever a good idea? Sleep is over rated. Or is it under rated? Either way I'm too good for sleep. HAH! What a joke. I should be on SNL for that one. If you thought I was being serious, well, you're seriously mistaken. You fool! Just kidding. It's okay. I don't expect you to know me that well yet. YET.

Sleep. It's pulling at my ankles right now, trying to drag me under the covers on my queen sized bed. Into the comfort and relaxation that would wrap me up like a delicious Chipotle burrito. I can feel it begin to press down on the brakes in my mind and start to draw the curtains that are my eyelids. Slow, slow, slow. Will I fall right away? Or will it take a few minutes before I drift off into a dream? I wonder. Thinking, questioning, laying, sleeping. Not yet.

Well, stay up or sleep well my friends! Tomorrow is Wednesday! Hump day! Hooray!!
Yours Truly, Julia

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