Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dear Night Owls,

I often wonder if everything really does happen for a reason. Is it possible that God really does have a plan for us and he gives us just enough heartache before true happiness is in our grips? I think so. I also believe it's true that what we want isn't always the best thing for us (found that out the hard way). I just assume it's best to go with the flow and see where our choices take us.

Choices. What if we make the wrong ones? Or what if we're too late to choose the right option? Is that still a part of the plan? Can wrongs be righted? Fate and destiny are on the top shelf of comprehension. Just out of my reach. But maybe that's for the best... maybe I'm not supposed to understand such big ideas. Not yet anyway.  Heck, I'm only 17! (for one more month...).

I guess it's best if I just hope and pray that I'm doing everything right or at least to the best of my ability. If that's the case what can really go wrong?

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Oh Prom... Proma... get it? Like drama, but prom.... Let's be honest it's on EVERY girl's mind right now. I can bet that there's at least twenty seven girls online shopping looking for THE perfect dress (might as well be a wedding). I would also guess (and probably be spot on) that there are about fifty two girls tossing and turning with nightmares invading their beauty sleep. How tragic. I'm up and blogging about it, so yeah, prom's a pretty big deal.

Which is more difficult to get: dress or date? I guess that depends on the girl.... So far I have neither Proma:1 Julia:0.

Isn't it funny how girls stress so much about one night? The $500 spent on a dress that will never be worn again could've been better spent on items such as: Chipotle, Free People clothes, Chipotle, and did I say Chipotle?

I had Chipotle for the first time in MONTHS tonight. It was delicious. Very delicious.

I do have a dress picked out, however. It's emerald green which tends to make my eyes look extra chocolate-y. Plus it's my birthstone a.k.a. May a.k.a. the month of prom... so I guess it's perfect right? Ahhhhh.

The asking is the best part. No doubt about that. Scavenger hunts, elaborate displays, shouting from roofs, in food, and whatever other crazy stunts guys pull these days! It's so fantastic and I love being the wing-woman! Got to do that today, had a blast! Completely turned my best friend's day around which is an automatic plus!

Oh prom. Proma. Prom drama. You shall not defeat me. I will prevail.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


This blog is not neglected. It's just, well, slightly forgotten.

I'm sorry to all of my zero followers.

Just kidding. This blog is for me to journal anyway.

I don't need followers..........

Until my next sleepless night!

Yours Truly, NOA